How Can You Dress Up Your Home For Less

Posted by Patterncut on 6/8/2014
How Can You Dress Up Your Home For Less

Many people think that in order to make their home appear to be improved they need to spend thousands of dollars. They need to hire an interior decorator, go to the highest end stores, and spend money on some of the most uncomfortable and ugly furniture imaginable. I mean, who buys an uncomfortable couch on purpose?

It's actually a lot easier than that to make your home or office fabulous. Fresh ideas are all it takes to change the personality of a room from casual to fancy for an instant transformation.

Change the Air Vents

You can change your air grilles to add a touch of patterned detail and elegance. Have you ever really looked at those ugly slatted metal air grilles? They totally throw off an elegant setting with plain metal slats.

Our laser cut wood grilles have patterned designs while still delivering clean air from your air conditioning ducts.

Clean Up the Clutter & the Closets

A lot of houses are just filled with stuff. Lots of stuff. Stuff that no one uses, touches, or even thinks about until they go looking for something else and find said stuff and shove it in a closet somewhere. Why do people hold on to stuff that they don't even think about?

Here's a rule for cleaning house: if you haven't used the items in the dusty corners of a room in the last two years, then you should chuck it; excepting any family heirlooms of course. By removing the junk in a room, it appears cleaner and therefore newer looking.

A Touch of Paint Does Wonders

Fresh colors in a room can make a place feel different and new to anyone visiting. Painting a space a different color or even using complementary palettes on opposite walls really gives a room a personality. Accent walls have really been trending for the past couple of years.

Changing the colors in a room can be a cheaper method of making a style choice in your home without spending a large amount of money.

Decorate The Walls

Give yourself something beautiful to look at. The walls are most often neglected when people are decorating. Adding flex crown moldings, architectural ornaments, medallions, corbels, and new laser cut air grilles are lovely ways to add a touch of class to living rooms, formal dining rooms, and offices.

Touch Up the Details

Redecorate any room the walls with a new throw rug, pillows, decorative wall ornaments, and a painting or two you can change a room into different themes.

Design with PatternCut.com

It is fairly simple and a lot of fun to makeover a home without spending a whole lot of money. We hope you'll enjoy our ideas and try a few of them out. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! We're open to discussions about custom jobs of all kinds.

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