How to Care for Your Laser Cut Grilles or Molding

Posted by Patterncut on 5/1/2014 to Tips & DIY

Wood-carved grilles and crown molding offer beautiful decorative elements to your home. They add a touch of distinction that you can’t get from other materials. However, since they are made of wood, they require a little extra care than typical pressed board or laminate materials.

With the right care, you can preserve these beautiful carved elements so they can continue to enhance your home for many years to come. The quality of the wood will also add value to your home.

Here are a few things you can do to care for your laser cut grilles or molding and protect your investment:

Keep Them Dusted

With all the nooks and crannies of a laser-cut grille or piece of molding, there are plenty of places for dust to accumulate and to congeal into a grime that will slowly corrode your wood. By simply keeping these pieces dusted, you can extend their life. Wiping them down with a soft cloth likely won’t be enough. You’ll need a detailing brush to get into all those grooves, or you can use pressed air.

Polish Them

A quality wood polish can protect the wood from drying out and cracking over time. Use a polish on your grille and moldings at least once a month. You can buy a specialty polish or use a homemade mix of vinegar and olive oil (one part white vinegar to three parts olive oil). You’ll maintain the shine and the finish.


Over time, your wood pieces will need to be refinished to maintain the seal and keep them protected. This may need to be done every couple of years, and the finish can be brushed on. If you notice problems at this time, you can sand out any blemishes or fill them with wood putty then sand.

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