Left and Right Stem - 2-1/2" W x 6-1/4" H x 3/8" Thick (Sold in Pairs) Ornamental Architectural Decoration
Left and Right Stem - 2-1/2" W x 6-1/4" H x 3/8" Thick (Sold in Pairs) Ornamental Architectural Decoration

Left and Right Stem - 2-1/2" W x 6-1/4" H x 3/8" Thick (Sold in Pairs) Ornamental Architectural Decoration

Part Number:OR1153
Price: $15.00

Ornament Architectural Decoration

*All parts were photographed on a 1-inch square grid*

Ornament includes elements of decoration such as natural foliage including floral oak leaf acanthus leaf grape vines shells stems rose buds and other organic objects. Decorative architectural ornamentation includes human forms animals and mythical beasts such as griffons sphinx horses serpents variations of lions and eagles. Crosses Knobs Rosettes and Pendants are independent Free ornaments which are generally geometrical in their treatment. Crockets are foliated excrescences which are popular in the Gothic style as an ornament of the edges and ribs of buildings.

*Copyrights of the works depicted in this catalog are owned by
Empire Ornament Supply, Inc. Any duplication is strictly prohibited.*

*The works contain a fingerprint which can be easily identified in any duplication.*

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