Make Sure Your Next Custom Build Project Includes Crown Molding in Every Room

Posted by Pattern Cut on 8/22/2018 to Flex & Crown Moldings
Make Sure Your Next Custom Build Project Includes Crown Molding in Every Room

As a custom home builder, you’ve got a lot riding on whether or not a potential homeowner likes what they see. There are little things you do in the build that are for aesthetics only – you choose nice countertops, you consider how the windows are laid out for a good view, and so on. Well, what if we told you that adding flex crown molding to a home can offer a very good ROI, and help you nail a sale?

Modern Decorative Crown Molding Transforms a Plain Room

Modern flex crown molding is a bit different than the crown molding of the past. These days, crown molding can be made out of materials other than wood, such as plastic and foam. Elegant and custom designs can be created in a flash and shipped to you immediately, making it easy to transform a space. This additional detail gives the homeowner the feeling that the room is “finished,” and adds elegance and grandeur. Even in a small space, crown molding of the right proportions can make the room feel special.

But What About the ROI of Flex Crown Molding?

The real estate industry has stated over and over that the presence of decorative crown molding in a custom house is always a selling point. If there are many houses for sale in the same area, all being custom built by quality builders, and all with similar bedroom and bathroom counts, how can you stand out? This is a great way to elevate your homes to the luxury level. And you don’t have to choose a very traditional design. You can go with something very decorative and elegant, such as this five-inch Acanthus leaf crown molding. However, you can also choose something a little more fun and sleek, like this Moorish open arch repeat cove crown. Or use a simple, solid crown molding for a contemporary, minimalist look.

Where Should I Add Decorative Crown Molding?

You could add flex crown molding in any space. Traditional rooms to use this feature include the kitchen, the study, the formal dining room, the master suite, and the living room. However, bathrooms, hallways, and guest bedrooms are also great places to add a feeling of richness. In reality, you can’t go wrong so long as you keep proportions in mind.

Quick and Easy Way to Stand Out

Finally, crown molding is also a great choice for your next project because of how easy it is to install. This fast, simple project could make all the difference between a great selling price and something less than ideal – and all for just a few extra hours of your time, if that. Check out Pattern Cut’s catalog of stylish flex crown molding.

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