Flex Molding for a Special Playroom Setting

Posted by Pattern Cut on 4/14/2015

Many homes have rooms that have been designated as the playroom. These rooms keep the children’s messes corralled in one area of the home. It is a place for kids to run away with their imaginations and creativity, without Mom and Dad having to worry about stepping on those pesky and painful Legos kids adore.

Many playrooms are alike in a lot of ways: the brightly colored plastic bins for toys, the small table and chairs for tea parties, the bookshelves and toy boxes and they over-sized and durable rugs. You can add a touch of unique and fun to your children’s playroom with the use of flex molding.

If you have flex molding in areas of your home, you know that they can add flair and even the appearance of a bigger space to any room; however, there is a different use of flex molding that you may not have previously considered. A child’s playroom can be more than just a room they play in. It can be their own special space where they can showcase their creativity.

Using a large wall frame made from strips of molding, you can create an area for your child to hang their favorite artwork. Paint the wall inside the frame a slightly darker hue than the rest of the room to create a focal point. Arrange artwork inside the molding frame for a large, eye-catching display.

On another wall, make another frame with molding and paint the inside area with chalkboard paint. What more fun for a child than to be able to draw on the walls, erase and draw something completely different without getting into trouble?

Parents like the idea of containment for their children’s toys and messes, and kids love having a space to call their own. A playroom is the perfect solution.

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